Just about every person who drives a car gets a ticket at one time or another. It even happens to the safest drivers. However, multiple traffic offenses can lead to serious trouble. That’s why it’s important to have a Boulder traffic violation lawyer evaluate your situation and help you fight your ticket before the Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) suspends your license.
In Boulder, traffic defense attorney Michael R. Ferrell and his professional staff with The Ferrell Law Firm are committed to providing you with a winning defense. Contact our office today to learn more about how we might be able to help you stay out of jail and keep your driver’s license.
Why You Need a Traffic Violation Lawyer in Boulder
Every driver starts out with 0 points on their driving record. When a driver is convicted of a traffic violation, the DMV adds a certain number of points to their driving record. If the number of points on your record meets the threshold, the DMV can suspend your license.

The presumptive length of suspension is six months, and the maximum suspension is one year. A DMV hearings officer can give you a probationary driver’s license, called a “red license.” Red licenses allow you to drive to work or school.
Having a skilled traffic defense attorney represent you could give you an edge with the DMV. Hiring a lawyer shows you are serious about driving safely and improving your driving record. Also, an experienced lawyer could argue mitigating points on your behalf to help you get your red license.
Of course, having a skilled lawyer could also help you avoid the court entering a conviction in the first place. An experienced lawyer like Michael R. Ferrell will protect your rights and fight to keep your driving record clean.
Reckless Driving Penalties
Colorado Revised Statutes § 42-4-1401 is the state’s reckless driving law. Reckless driving is operating a motor vehicle, bicycle, electric scooter, or electric bicycle in a reckless and wanton manner that endangers the lives and safety of others. Your first reckless driving conviction is a Class 2 traffic misdemeanor. The penalty range is 10 to 90 days in jail and a fine between $150 and $300. The court can also give you probation. Moreover, the DMV will assess eight points on your driver’s license for this charge.
A second or subsequent offense carries between 10 days and 6 months in jail and fines from $50 to $1,000.
How Much Does a Boulder Traffic Violation Lawyer Cost?
The cost of losing your license can be much greater than the cost of a lawyer. You could cost yourself thousands of dollars in insurance premium increases, fines, court fees, probationary fees, license reinstatement fees, and other expenses if you do not have a lawyer protecting your best interests.
Many traffic offenses may require you to complete community service which may exceed 100 hours. An experienced traffic lawyer can help reduce or eliminate your community service requirement.
Contact an Experienced Traffic Attorney in Boulder Today
Trying to find the right lawyer is confusing. If you Google the phrase “traffic lawyer near me,” you may get hundreds of instant results. So, how do you choose?
Working with a dedicated and aggressive lawyer can make all the difference. In Boulder, traffic defense attorney Michael R. Ferrell is the name you can trust. Call The Ferrell Law Firm today to schedule an appointment and find out how we can help you.